In situ hybridization patterns of microarray (A–D) and differential display positives (E–L). Egg chambers are shown with posterior to the right. (A–C) GM07659, a gene with homology to human FKBP-12. (A) Lateral view of a stage 10A egg chamber, showing expression restricted to a dorsal anterior triangle of follicle cells. (B) Dorsal view of a stage 10B egg chamber, showing dorsal anterior staining. (C) No staining is seen in grk2B6/grkDC9 egg chambers. (D) GM04985, a splice variant of the E75 nuclear hormone receptor gene, hybridizes to follicle cells over the posterior (arrows) of stage 6–9 egg chambers. (E and F) The vitelline membrane protein VM34C. Stage 8 (E) and stage 10 (F) egg chambers, showing expression in the columnar follicle cells over the oocyte. Staining is excluded from the posterior (arrows). (G–J) The The ecdysone-responsive nuclear hormone receptor E78. (G) Hybridization of an RNA antisense probe to a stage 12 egg chamber, showing expression in the dorsal anterior follicle cells (bracket). No staining in the follicle cells is seen with an RNA sense probe (H) nor in grk egg chambers (I). (J) A stage 14 egg chamber showing expression in the follicle cells covering the dorsal appendages (bracket). (K–N) Drosophila SET-binding factor 1. In grk2B6/grkDC9 flies, staining can be detected in follicle cells over the oocytes of stage 8 through stage 11 egg chambers (K), with the highest concentration in the posterior (arrow). (L) Close-up of staining in the posterior follicle cells (stage 10). (M) In the wild-type egg chambers of grk/CyO flies, hybridization is faint or undetectable in the follicle cells surrounding the oocyte, although staining is evident in the nurse cells. (N) Stage 9 grk2B6/grkDC9 egg chamber