Mutation of the VLRFLT region of TASK3 channels gives functional currents regulated by zinc and pH. (a) Mean currents through TASK3 channels (measured as the difference current between that at −40 mV and that at −80 mV) for WT channels (n=37) and for TASK3VLRFLT−DEL channels (n=41). (b) Time–course plot showing inhibition of TASK3VLRFLT−DEL channels by zinc (100 μM). Inset shows a summary of inhibition of TASK3 (n=14) and TASK3VLRFLT−DEL (n=4) channels by zinc (100 μM). (c) Time–course plot showing alteration in TASK3VLRFLT−DEL channels by changes in extracellular pH (6.4 then 8.4 from a control pH of 7.4). (d) Summary of changes in TASK3 and TASK3VLRFLT−DEL channel currents by alterations in extracellular pH; at pH 6.4, TASK3, n=20; TASK3VLRFLT−DEL, n=8: at pH 8.4, TASK3, n=9; TASK3VLRFLT−DEL, n=8. *P<0.05; Student's t-test.