Fig. 2.
SEM evaluation of 18-hour CIT-OLTx livers. Control livers show typical ultrastructural shape, with fenestrated LSECs (arrows) situated between the plates of hepatocytes (H). Eighteen hours after cold ischemic storage before transplantation, sinusoids show partial denudation of LSECs (arrows), while hepatocytes appear normal with recognizable bile canaliculi. One hour after OLTx, LSECs are nearly completely absent in the sinusoids (arrows). Rounded-up remnants of the LSECs are observed clinging to the sinusoid surfaces. Hepatocytes within plates lose their typical ultrastructure with loss of canalicular structure. At 3–6 hours post-OLTx, sinusoids are regaining some LSEC covering. Leukocytes are often observed adhering to the sinusoid surfaces (arrowhead, L). By 6 hours, hepatocytes regain a plate-like shape, and canaliculi are returning. Several areas are regaining LSECs. By 24 hours, most of the sinusoid is recovered by LSECs, although fenestration porosity appears to be reduced. Hepatocytes have also regained their typical shape. Data are representative of 2 separate experiments.