Figure 8.
Proposed events that drive the production of lagging chromosomes in anaphase through merotelic kinetochore orientation. (a) Spindle disassembly induced by the nocodazole mitotic block promotes the expansion and curvature of the outer domain of kinetochores around their centromeric DNA. (b) A slow compaction of the kinetochore outer domain when the spindle reassembles after nocodazole removal may promote the unusually high frequency of merotelic kinetochore orientation that occurs by the time chromosomes have moved to near the spindle equator in prometaphase. (c) A merotelically oriented kinetochore does not move poleward like normal kinetochores at anaphase because it does not split apart like sister kinetochores at anaphase onset, but instead remains under tension and becomes further stretched by poleward forces directed along its kinetochore microtubules to opposite poles.