RSV-dependent increases in RANTES expression detected by nuclear run-on assay. (A) RANTES sense or antisense cRNA or β-actin cDNA was bound to nitrocellulose filters and hybridized with 32P-labeled, nascent, run-off transcripts isolated from hTBE cell monolayers uninfected (NV) or infected with RSV (RSV) or UV-treated RSV (RSV-UV) for 4 h or 24 h at a MOI of 1.0. Filters then were subjected to autoradiography, and arrows indicate positions of mRNAs detected by sense RANTES cRNA (c-RANTES), antisense RANTES cRNA (RANTES), and β-actin cDNA (β-actin). (B) The same blots were subjected to quantitative PhosphorImaging, and results were expressed relative to background (value for sense RANTES cRNA) and corrected for internal standard (the level of β-actin) in each sample. Results are representative of three experiments.