Figure 6.
Alignment of the COOH-terminal 310 amino acids of the S. aureus MprF protein (Sa) with the corresponding parts of hypothetical proteins from S. xylosus (Sx), B. subtilis (Bs), E. faecalis (Ef), P. aeruginosa (Pa), A. tumefaciens (At), S. coelicolor (Sc), M. tuberculosis (Mt), and M. leprae (Ml). Identical or similar amino acids are highlighted in black or gray, respectively. The COOH-terminal ends are indicated by asterisks. The amino acid positions, calculated from the first possible start points, are given, except for the E. faecalis and A. tumefaciens proteins whose entire sequences are not yet available. The mprF sequences from S. aureus and S. xylosus are available from GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ under accession nos. AF145699 and AF145698, respectively.