Src deletion leads to alterations in adhesion structures and cell migration. (A) Immunofluorescence showing actin (red) and vinculin (green) colocalization (yellow) in Src+ and Src− OCLs replated on vitronectin for 1 and 2 h. Micrographs are composites of both channels together. Note the formation of vinculin-rich lamellipodia (blue arrows, Src+ 1 and 2 h), which is not seen in Src− OCLs, and the increased redistribution of actin from the central regions of the cell (white arrows) to the peripheral regions of the cell (red arrow, Src+ 2 h) in Src+ OCLs. These features were not observed in Src− OCLs where actin and vinculin colocalization was observed to significantly increase between 1 and 2 h. (B) Immunofluorescence showing actin (red) and vinculin (green) localization in Src+ and Src− authentic osteoclasts cultured on glass coverslips. Note the distinct ring-like assembly of podosomes that stain for both actin and vinculin in Src+ osteoclasts (white arrows), and the focal adhesion-like arrangement of vinculin in surrounding contaminating fibroblast-like cells (red arrows, Src+ vinculin). In Src− osteoclasts, the localization of actin to the periphery of the osteoclast is not observed (yellow arrow, Src− actin), and staining for vinculin demonstrates a more focal-adhesion–like arrangement (red arrow, Src− vinculin) reminiscent of that seen in the previously described nonosteoclastic cells. (C and D) The lengths of cell migration paths of Src− (C) and c-Cbl− (D) osteoclasts and their littermate wild-type controls were measured at regular intervals as described in Materials and Methods.