Figure 2.
Gene expression in the striatum in CB1−/− mutants. Film autoradiograms depict CB1, dynorphin, substance P, enkephalin, and GAD 67 mRNA expression in coronal sections from the midstriatal level in CB1+/+ (Upper) and CB1−/− mice (Lower). Maximal hybridization signal is black. In wild-type (+/+) animals, CB1 receptor expression is maximal in the lateral striatum (arrows) and minimal in the medial striatum. In CB1−/− mice, increases in dynorphin and substance P mRNA expression (both in striatonigral neurons) are also maximal in the lateral striatum (arrows) and minimal in the medial striatum (for quantitative results, see Table 1). In contrast, increases in enkephalin mRNA expression (in striatopallidal neurons) are similar or even greater in some medial than lateral regions in CB1−/− mutants. GAD 67 mRNA expression (in both types of projection neurons) subsumes the changes seen for the neuropeptides, with an increase in most striatal regions that is somewhat stronger laterally. (Lower Left) The absence of CB1 mRNA in CB1−/− mutants and the sample areas in the middle striatum in which gene expression was measured are shown.