Figure 7.
fAβ-induced recruitment of monocytes into the peritoneum is CD36 dependent. (A) CD36+/+ or CD36−/− mice were injected intraperitoneally with 100 μg fAβ. 24 h later, the peritoneal cells were harvested by lavage and the number of total cells counted was and differential cell counts were performed on 500 Heme3-stained cells per mouse (C). fAβ lead to recruitment of monocytes in CD36+/+ (n = 10) but not CD36−/− (n = 8) mice. Injection of carrier alone (PBS with 1 mg/ml BSA) did not induce significant monocyte recruitment. (B) CD36−/− and CD36+/+ mice injected with 1 mg zymosan recruited equivalent amounts of monocytes after 24 h. Each data point is the average ± SEM of results from the indicated number of mice (n) per genotype. *, P < 0.005.