Figure 5.
LTαβ contributes to luminal PNAd expression on HEV. PNAd expression was detected by immunohistochemistry analysis with MECA 79 antibody in C57BL/6 PLN (A and B), RIPLTα pancreas (C and D), RIPLTαβ pancreas (E and F), and LTβ−/− MLN (G and H). LTβ−/− MLN exhibited a reduction in luminal MECA 79 expression. RIPLTαβ pancreata exhibited an increase in the number of MECA 79+ vessels and in luminal PNAd expression compared with the predominately abluminal pattern observed in RIPLTα pancreatic infiltrates. Objective 20× (A, C, E, and G); objective 40× (B, D, F, and H).