Figure 4.
Reduction of atherosclerotic lesion formation after inhibition of platelet adhesion by anti-GPIbα treatment. (A) Vascular resistance index (RI) was analyzed by color duplex sonography. Mean ± SEM of 4–6 experiments per group; *P < 0.05. (B) The extension of fatty streaks (μm2) was quantified in common carotid of ApoE −/− mice by Sudan III staining in anti–GPIbα-treated mice and untreated or rat IgG-treated control animals. Data represent mean values with SEM (4–6 experiments per group) of 18-wk-old ApoE −/− mice treated 12 wk with anti-GPIbα mAb. *P < 0.05. (C) Cross-sectional plaque area was assessed on 20 serial section of the common carotid artery adjacent to the carotid bifurcation and was evaluated for each animal as the difference between the area, delimited by the internal elastic lamina, and the lumen area. The results were normalized to total vessel cross-sectional area to eliminate variations due to vessel size. Data represent mean values with SEM (4–6 experiments per group) of ApoE −/− mice treated for 12 wk with anti-GPIbα mAb. *P < 0.05. Representative sections (original magnification: 200-fold) stained with elastica van Giesson reagent are presented in D. ACC, common carotid artery; ACE, external carotid artery, ACI, internal carotid artery. (E) Role of platelet adhesion for atherosclerotic lesion formation in the aortic sinus (top panel) and the right and left main coronary arteries (bottom panel, plaque area is presented as percentage of total cross-sectional intimal area). 18-wk-old ApoE −/− mice were treated with vehicle (Control), irrelevant rat IgG, or anti-GPIbα mAb for 12 wk. Atherosclerotic lesion formation was assessed in the aortic sinus and the proximal coronary arteries. Inhibition of platelet adhesion induced a significant reduction in atherosclerotic lesion formation in the aortic sinus and the proximal coronary arteries. Aortic plaque area is presented in μm2; coronary plaque area is given as percentage of the area delimited by the internal elastic lamina (intimal area). Mean ± SEM, P < 0.05 versus Control. Representative histological sections of the aortic sinus and the coronary arteries stained with elastica van Giesson reagent are presented in F and G, respectively (original magnification: 200-fold).