Figure 4.
CD8 cells from CD103−/− mice exhibit normal responsiveness to A/J alloantigens in conventional assays of CD8 effector function. CD8 effectors were generated by coincubation of SCs from CD103+/+ or CD103−/− mice with A/J SCs in 5-d mixed lymphocyte cultures, and purified by negative selection with mAb plus complement. (A) IFN-γ production by CD8 effectors derived from CD103+/+ (black circles) or CD103−/− (white circles) in response to A/J SCs or media only (triangles). Data shown are means (±SE) of three replicate values. (B) Lytic activity of CD8 effectors derived from CD103+/+ (circles) or CD103−/− (triangles) to A/J (black symbols) and BALB/c (white symbols) lymphoblast targets in standard 4-h 51[Cr] release assays. Data shown are means of four replicate values; SD was <10% of mean values.