Figure 4.
MARCO+ MZMOs are required for retention of MZBs. Representative immunohistochemical analysis and FACS® profiles of spleens from at least four WT mice treated with liposomes or untreated op/op mice. WT mice were injected i.v. with 100 μl PBS containing liposomes or with liposomes containing clodronate at a 1:24 dilution where MZMOs were preferentially depleted. 48 h later serial spleen sections were stained for MOMA-1+ (blue, top) metallophilic macrophages or MARCO+ (blue, middle) MZMOs. The sections were also stained for B220 (brown) to see the positioning of these populations in relation to the B cell follicle. ×10. Spleen cells were analyzed by FACS® analysis for detection of MZBs as measured by the CD19+, CRIhigh, and CD23low population. Numbers shown are the average percent-positive cells of four mice. Similar profiles are shown for untreated op/op mice (right). Data shown are representative of three independent experiments.