Figure 7.
Expression of the v-ErbA target genes identified in T2ECs, in CEFs expressing v-ErbA or the S61G form of v-ErbA. Total RNA was extracted from CEFs expressing either the oncogenic form or the non-transforming form of v-erbA. A reverse transcription and real-time PCR analysis were performed to quantify the expression level of genes, which are repressed by v-ErbA in T2ECs. The fold variation is represented as VA/NTVA ratio and corresponds to a decrease or an increase of the different mRNA in CEFs expressing the transforming form of v-ErbA (VA) in comparison with CEFs expressing the non-transforming form of v-ErbA (NTVA). The results were normalized using four reference genes T-Complex 1, hnRNP, ATP synthase subunit B1 and GAPDH, and correspond to the mean with standard deviation of four to five independent experiments. This figure presents the results of the expression level quantification of most v-ErbA target genes, except for MGC83969 gene that could not be amplified.