(A) Comparison of the levels of human CD4+CCR5+ T cells in the indicated tissues in a representative naive BLT mouse, an HIV-1–infected, and an HIV-1–exposed BLT mouse that received FTC/TDF for pre-exposure prophylaxis. Liver and lung were the examined tissues with the greatest constitutive CCR5 expression, and they both showed significant loss of CD4+CCR5+ T cells due to HIV-1 infection.
(B) Box plot depicting the levels of CD8+CCR5+ T cells in the indicated tissues for naive (green), HIV-1 infected (white), and FTC/TDF-treated plus HIV-1–exposed (red) BLT mice.
(C) Comparison of the levels of human CD8+CCR5+ T cells in the indicated tissues in representative naive, HIV-1 infected and FTC/TDF treated BLT mice. All tissues examined showed increases in CD8+CCR5+ T cells resulting from HIV-1 infection of BLT mice.
(D) Box plot depicting the levels of CD8+CCR5+ T cells in the indicated tissues for naive (green), HIV-1–infected (white), and FTC/TDF-treated plus HIV-1–exposed (red) BLT mice. In the box plots, the boxes extend from the first to the third quartiles, enclosing the middle 50% of the data. The middle line within each box indicates the median of the data, whereas the vertical line extends from lowest to the highest values. Naive (n = 5), HIV-1 infected (n = 4), and FTC/TDF + HIV-1 (n = 3). Gating strategy for flow cytometric analysis: live cells → human CD45 → human CD3 → human CD4 or CD8 → CCR5.
BM, bone marrow; LN, lymph node; PB, peripheral blood; Thymic Org., implanted thymic organoid.