Binding of LNA ODNs to plasmid allows complementary DNA ODNs to bind. (A) Agarose gel (without EtBr) of 0.023 µM plasmid gWiz incubated with rhodamine-labelled LNA ODNs at high (H, 4 µM) or low (L, 0.5 µM) ODN concentrations. (B) As (A) with EtBr. Lane M, 1 kb DNA ladder. (C) Agarose gel (without EtBr) of 0.023 µM plasmid gWiz incubated with LNA ODNs at high (H, 4 µM) or low (L, 0.5 µM) ODN concentrations. Unbound LNA ODN was removed, the plasmid–LNA ODN complex was incubated with the fluorescein-labelled DNA primer KH2 (4 µM) and free ODN was again removed prior to loading on a gel (except lane 4). (D) As (C) with EtBr. Lane 1, gWiz + LNA6 H + KH2; lane 2, gWiz + LNA6 L + KH2; lane 3, empty; lane 4, gWiz + KH2.