Figure 7.
CXCR5 expression and chemotactic response profile of DN T cells from MRL-lpr mice. (A) CXCR5 expression on DN (Thy1+B220+) and conventional (Thy1+B220−) T cells. DN T cells stained with the secondary antibody alone (no 1° Ab) are shown as a control. (B and C) Chemotaxis of a 3:1 mixture of MRL-lpr and B6 splenocytes in response to (B) BLC and (C) a panel of lymphoid chemokines. Results are expressed as percentage of input cells transmigrated for DN T cells (•) and conventional T cells (○). Chemokine concentrations in C: BLC, ELC, and SLC, 1 μg/ml; SDF1, 0.3 μg/ml. MRL-lpr mice were old 5 mo at the time of analysis. Lines (B) and bars (C) represent means of duplicate transwells. Results in A are representative of three, and in B and C of two independent experiments.