Figure 5.
Inhibitory effect of C3 on the rearrangement of F-actin and vinculin at the site of S. flexneri attachment to CHO cells. The CHO cells were treated with C3 (1.25 μg/ml) (C, F, and I) or left untreated (A, D, and G) for 24 h and then infected by YSH6000T for 20 min. B, E, and H are the enlarged inset of A, D, and G, respectively. A–C represent CHO cells infected with YSH6000T and stained by rhodamine-labeled phalloidin. D–F represent the same CHO cells but stained by mouse FITC-labeled anti-vinculin. G–I represent the same CHO cells but stained by Cy5-labeled anti–S. flexneri 2a LPS. Arrowheads indicate F-actin and vinculin accumulation induced upon attachment of YSH6000T to CHO cells (A, D, and G). Bars: (H) 5 μm; and (I) 10 μm.