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. 2006 Dec 5;274(1610):681–688. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2006.0151

Table 2.

Minimum genetic distances from the centroid (rii), observed mean variances, expected mean variances and residual variances estimated using a heritability of h2=1, and computed according to Relethford & Blangero (1990). (The lower part of table represents the same analysis but pooling the Central Valley samples in two periods: Classic (CLA=TCO+TEO+TUL) and Postclassic (PCLA=AZC+TLA). The most positive residuals are in bold.)

sample rii observed expected residual
TLA 0.155 1.030 0.880 0.150
AZC 0.028 1.215 1.012 0.204
TUL 0.062 1.070 0.976 0.093
TEO 0.013 0.914 1.027 −0.114
TCO 0.029 1.049 1.011 0.038
SON 0.037 0.961 1.002 −0.040
TAR 0.022 1.063 1.017 0.046
CAN 0.033 0.793 1.006 −0.213
PAI 0.048 0.959 0.991 −0.032
BJC 0.114 0.839 0.922 −0.083
SOL 0.037 0.954 1.003 −0.048
PCLA 0.080 1.102 0.921 0.181
CLA 0.024 1.006 0.977 0.029
SON 0.032 0.961 0.970 −0.008
TAR 0.019 1.063 0.982 0.081
CAN 0.024 0.793 0.978 −0.184
PAI 0.034 0.959 0.968 −0.009
BJC 0.084 0.839 0.917 −0.078
SOL 0.036 0.954 0.966 −0.012