Figure 1. Flow diagram describing the infection spread within a given subgroup k of a city i and the implementation of interventions.
At each time, susceptibles (S0) could be vaccinated (V) or not (S). The remaining susceptibles could receive prophylaxis (SP) during a given time; if not infected at the end of prophylaxis duration they re-enter the susceptible compartment. Susceptibles receiving or not prophylaxis could use masks (SPM and SM respectively, with SPM becoming SM if not infected at the end of antiviral administration period). Once infected, individuals enter the non-infectious latent state (E or EP if under prophylaxis). Infectious symptomatic individuals (I) could be treated (IT) (assuming that treatment is administrated in the first day of symptoms, individuals under therapy pass directly from E to IT compartment), isolated (IIs) or both (ITIs). The R compartment contains all individuals who have been ill and those of latents under prophylaxis that did not develop symptoms.