Figure 6.
Anti-C5 mAb treatment also decreased IFN-γ in 24-h CS ear extracts. Mice (4/group) were actively contact sensitized with PCl applied topically to the shaved chest and abdomen. 4 d later mice were skin challenged to elicit CS by painting both ears with PCl. Punch biopsies from each ear were collected 24 h later and were extracted with PBS. IFN-γ production in the ear extracts was determined by quantitative sandwich ELISA. (A) Systemic anti-C5 mAb (1 mg/mouse) was injected i.v. 24 and 4 h before ear challenge. (B) Local anti-C5 mAb (20 μg/20 μl) was injected s.c. into the ear 24 h before challenge. The number of mice in each group was four and eight samples of ear extracts in each group were pooled (A) or were assayed separately (B). *P <0.001 compared with isotype (IgG1) controls.