The effect of (A) anti-α6 and (B) anti-α4 integrin antibodies on oxazolone-induced DC accumulation in lymph nodes in vivo. Antibody was administered to groups of 10 mice in single 100 μl injections intraperitoneally for the 10, 20, and 200 μg doses or in single 30 μl injections intradermally into the dorsum of both ears for 12 μg dose. The 200 μg dose of anti-α4 integrin antibody was given in 2 × 100 μg doses 2 h before and 8 h after oxazolone treatment. Each graph represents a separate experiment and the amount of antibody received per mouse, and the method of administration is indicated below each graph. 2 h after antibody administration, mice received 25 μl of 0.5% oxazolone on the dorsum of both ears. Draining auricular lymph nodes were excised 18 h later and the number of DCs per lymph node was determined. Results for isotype-matched control antibody (hatched bars) and integrin antibody (solid bars) are compared with untreated, naive mice (open bars).