The characterization of the integrated pNPT-tel plasmid sequences in clone A211. (a) Comparison of the structure of NotI-linearized pNPT-tel plasmid and the integrated plasmid sequences in clone A211 indicate that a single copy of the plasmid is integrated at a telomere. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA digested with SspI (S), HpaI (H), PvuII (P), NcoI (N), or EcoRI (E), and electrophoresed on (b) conventional agarose or (c) pulse-field gels. Hybridization was performed with the pNTP-Δ plasmid. The location of λ bacteriophage HindIII fragments used as size standards (kb) are shown. The large terminal restriction fragments are at the limit of resolution (LOR) on conventional gels, whereas they are polymorphic on pulse-field gels because of the variation in the length of the TRS.