Figure 8.
Sequence alignment of bovine RhoGDI (RhoGDIBt) and ICAP-1 proteins. Sequences of human ICAP-1 (sequence data available from GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ under accession no. NP_004754) and bovine RhoGDI (accession no. CAA36916) were aligned using CLUSTAL W (1.81). Lines above RhoGDIBt sequence indicate secondary structure elements as reported by Hoffman et al. (2000). Lines under ICAP-1A sequence indicate a prediction of its secondary structure elements as obtained using a Biology Work Bench protein analysis tool based on the DSC algorithm (King and Sternberg, 1990). Shaded grey areas indicate residues of the RhoGDIBt that interact with Cdc42 geranylgeranyl moiety. Asterisks indicate single fully conserved residue. Colons indicate conservation of strong groups. Periods indicate conservation of weak groups.