Figure 2.
(A) Dermal blood flow (DBF) response (percent change from baseline) after application of placebo and 1000 µg capsaicin. The mean of the DBF responses at the capsaicin or placebo application sites during both study periods was calculated. Number of subjects = 11, number of observations = 44. D, Dominant arm; ND, nondominant arm. Data are mean of observations ± 90% confidence interval (CI). Placebo D (○); Placebo ND (•); 1000 µg capsaicin D (□); 1000 µg capsaicin ND (▪). (B) DBF response (percent change from baseline) after application of placebo and 1000 µg capsaicin. The mean of the DBF responses at the capsaicin or placebo application sites in both arms was calculated. Number of subjects = 11, number of observations = 44. P1, Period 1; P2, period 2. Data are mean of observations ± 90% CI. Placebo P1 (○); Placebo P2 (•); 1000 µg capsaicin P1 (□); 1000 µg capsaicin P2 (▪)