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. 2008 Jan;6(1):69–77. doi: 10.1370/afm.761

Table 1.

Published Studies of Pedometer-Based Walking Interventions That Met Inclusion Criteria

Study (Year) No. of Participantsa (Study Design) Population Dropout No. (%) Weight-Related Inclusion Criteria Baseline BMI Mean ± SD (Range), kg/m2 Intervention Duration Behavioral Counseling Goal Setting in Pedometer Intervention Step-Count Logging and Reporting
Engel and Lindner18 (2006) 22 (RCT) Sedentary men and women with type 2 diabetes with a mean age of 60.5 years 2 (8) None 32.7 ± 5.5 6 months Intensive coaching program including 6 individual sessions and a monthly newsletter Step-count walking goals chosen by the participant Time spent walking and step counts were recorded in a glucose and exercise log
Wilson et al19 (2005) 22 (Cohort) African American breast cancer survivors with a mean age of 55 years 2 (8) None 32.7 (25.2–47.2) 8 weeks Eight 75-minute small group weekly sessions based on Health Belief Model Assigned progressive step goals Walks were scheduled and steps were recorded on a scheduler/tracker form and reported to study staff weekly
Miyatake et al20 (2002) 31 (Cohort) Japanese men aged 32 to 59 years Not reported BMI >25 kg/m2 28.6 ± 2.2 1 year Not reported Increase daily baseline step count by 1,000 steps Not reported
Schneider et al21 (2006) 38 (Cohort) Sedentary overweight or obese but otherwise healthy adults aged 30 to 60 years 18 (32) BMI >25 kg/m2 33.5 ± 5.0 36 weeks Information sessions every other week for 2 months, then once a month Gradually increase daily step count to 10,000 steps/day Steps were recorded daily in an activity log
Tudor-Locke et al22 (2004) 24 (RCT) Overweight or obese, sedentary individuals with type 2 diabetes and a mean age of 52.7 years 6 (20) None 34.1 ± 6.1 16 weeks Counseling based on self-efficacy and social support; 4 weekly group meetings and a program manual Individualized step-count goal setting based on exercises in the manual Steps per day were recorded in a calendar log
Swartz et al23 (2003) 18 (Cohort) Overweight or obese women with family history of type 2 diabetes 1 (5) BMI >25 kg/m2 35.0 ± 5.1 8 weeks Pedometer and step-count goal instructions only Accumulate 10,000 steps/day Steps and exercise were recorded in an activity log
Moreau et al24 (2001) 15 (RCT) Sedentary, postmenopausal women with stage 1 hypertension and a mean age of 54 years Not reported None >25b 24 weeks Pedometer and step-count goal instructions only Step-count goals gradually increased to a target of 3 km over baseline Daily step counts were recorded on log sheets that were collected every 2 weeks
Hultquist et al25 (2005) 31 (RCT) Sedentary, healthy, nonsmoking women aged 33 to 55 years 0 (0) BMI <40 kg/m2 30 ± 6.4 4 weeks Pedometer and step-count goal instructions only 10,000 daily steps Step counts were recorded on a pedometer with a 7-day memory and collected weekly
Chan et al26 (2004) 106 (Cohort) Sedentary workers with a mean age of 43 years 71 (40) None 29.5 ± 5.9 12 weeks Counseling based on self-efficacy and social support; 4 weekly group meetings Individualized goal setting Step-count goals and tracking were logged on a Web site

BMI = body mass index; RCT = randomized controlled trial.

a Number represents only study completers and, for RCTs, only participants randomized to the pedometer intervention arm of the study.

b Calculation was based on other data in the report.