Table 2.
Total costs for the intervention
Cost item | Rationale | Amounts (2004) (Five weeks)1 | Amounts (2004) (3 months)2 | Amounts (2004) (per year)3 | Amounts (2004) (Five weeks)4 |
Salaries and benefits | Five Nurse Facilitators | $15,147.35 | $39,383.11 | $157,532.44 | $15,147.35 |
0.5 full-time equivalent project manager | $4,831.54 | $12,562.00 | $50,248.02 | $4,831.54 | |
Total training | Course, experts, test practices | $3,883.20* | $3,883.20* | $3,883.20* | $10,562.30 |
Audit | Auditors and travel | $11,100.00 | $28,860.00 | $115,440.00 | $11,100.00 |
Supplies | Tool kits | $7,472.18 | $19,427.67 | $77,710.67 | $7,472.18 |
Facilitator travel | $2,426.44 | $6,308.74 | $25,234.98 | $2,426.44 | |
Honorarium | Each practice site was compensated for time lost | $7,950.00 | $20,670.00 | $82,680.00 | $7,950.00 |
Intervention costs | $52,810.71 | $131,094.73 | $512,729.30 | $59,489.81 |
*The training cost was amortized over 3 years using 5% discount rate, and therefore the training cost for each calendar year was $3,883.20, as shown in the additional file 1. This training cost for five facilitators would be totally fixed for a 3-year period. Even if these 5 facilitators were to conduct this activity for the entire flu season, and thus serve more than 53 practices, this cost would not change.
1 Costs for the 5-week intervention based on the actual 5-week length of the project.
2Assume that intervention lasts 3 months (13 weeks) during flu season. All figures except the training cost were obtained by converting the 5-week totals (that apply to our particular intervention) listed in third column to weekly rates and then multiplying by 13.
3Assume that intervention lasts one year (52 weeks). All figures except the training cost were obtained by converting the 5-week totals (that apply to our particular intervention) listed in third column to weekly rates and then multiplying by 52.
4 Costs for the 5-week intervention based on the actual 5-week length of the project and the training cost was not amortized.