Figure 6.
Northern dot blot analysis of PGE synthase in human tissues. A human multiple tissue expression array was hybridized with a radiolabeled cDNA probe specific for PGE synthase. Because the amount of mRNA on each dot has been adjusted to produce normalized signals for various housekeeping genes, the array allows for comparisons of gene expression. The exposure time was 66 h. The various dots represent the following: A1, whole brain; B1, cerebral cortex; C1, frontal lobe; D1, parietal lobe; E1, occipital lobe; F1, temporal lobe; G1, paracentral gyrus of cerebral cortex; H1, pons; A2, cerebellum, left; B2, cerebellum, right; C2, corpus callosum; D2, amygdala; E2, caudate nucleus; F2, hippocampus; G2, medulla oblongata; H2, putamen; A3, substantia nigra; B3, accumbens nucleus; C3, thalamus; D3, pituitary gland; E3, spinal cord; F-H3, empty; A4, heart; B4, aorta; C4, atrium, left; D4, atrium, right; E4, ventricle, left; F4, ventricle, right; G4, interventricular septum; H5, apex of the heart; A5, esophagus; B5, stomach; C5, duodenum; D5, jejunum; E5, ileum; F5, ilocecum; G5, appendix; H5, colon, ascending; A6, colon, transverse; B6, colon, desending; C6, rectum; D-H6, empty; A7, kidney; B7, skeletal muscle; C7, spleen; D7, thymus; E7, peripheral blood leukocytes; F7, lymph node; G7, bone marrow; H7, trachea; A8, lung; B8, placenta; C8, bladder; D8, uterus; E8, prostate; F8, testis; G8, ovary; H8, empty; A9, liver; B9, pancreas; C9, adrenal gland; D9, thyroid gland; E9, salivary gland; F9, mammary gland; G-H9, empty; A10, HL-60; B10, HeLa S3; C10, K-562; D10, Molt-4; E10, Burkitt’s lymphoma, Raji; F10, Burkitt’s lymphoma, Daudi; G10, colorectal adenocarcinoma, SW480; H10, lung carcinoma, A549; A11, fetal brain; B11, fetal heart; C11, fetal kidney; D11, fetal liver; E11, fetal spleen; F11, fetal thymus; G11, fetal lung; H11, empty; A12, yeast, total RNA; B12, yeast tRNA; C12, E. coli rRNA; D12, E. coli DNA; E12, Poly r(A); F12, human CoT-1 DNA; G12, human DNA 100 ng; H12, human DNA 500 ng.