Table 1.
Recommendations and cut-off points used to provide feedback on the student's behaviour
Behaviour | Cut-off points applied |
Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and fruit juice | Maximum of two glasses per day (approximately 400 ml) |
Snack consumption | Maximum of three in-between-meal moments of eating, where the calories from relatively unhealthy snacks should not exceed the number of calories from relatively healthy snacks. |
Fruit consumption | Minimum of two portions of fruit per day |
Vegetable consumption | Minimum of 200 grams of vegetables per day (4 tablespoons) |
Fibre consumption | Whole wheat bread (instead of white bread), breakfast with bread or cereal, rice/pasta/potato with dinner, four tablespoons of vegetables, and two pieces of fruit per day |
Physical activity | At least one hour of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity per day |
Television and computer use | No more than two hours of television viewing and computer use combined per day |