Figure 5.
Centrosome and ploidy alterations after Aurora-A/STK15 transient overexpression and live cell imaging. A) Graph summarizes percentage of cells with one, two or more than two centrosomes in HCT cells overexpressing STK15 in transient. B) Percentages of aneuploid cells in HCT-STK15 and HCT-p53KO-STK15 C) Images of HCT-wt, HCT-STK15, HCT-p53KO and HCT-p53KO-STK15 during mitosis by time-lapse microscopy. Cells expressed the H2B-GFP gene that decorates chromatin in green. Wild type and p53KO cells exit from mitosis in about 30 minutes. HCT-STK15 cells complete division also in 30 minutes but they show some metaphases with not aligned chromosomes (arrows) that might generate micronuclei. On the contrary HCT-p53KO-STK15 cells completed mitosis after 115 minutes undergoing an asymmetric division (arrowheads).