Photoactivation of gene expression in CHZ10 and the light adaptation mutants, during short exposure times. RNA was isolated from mycelia exposed to white light (10 W/m2 blue light) for various periods, or kept in the dark (D). RNAs were separated by electrophoresis and hybridized with probes for con-10 (hybridizing to the mRNAs of the con-10∷hph fusion and the endogenous con-10), con-6, or tub-2 (tubulin) genes. The plots show the average and standard error of the mean of the relative photoactivation values in two independent experiments. Each hybridization signal was normalized to the corresponding tub-2 hybridization signal to correct for loading errors. Then, the hybridization signal was normalized to the signal obtained with CHZ10 after exposure to 30 min of light.