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. 2007 Dec 4;336(7636):138–142. doi: 10.1136/bmj.39399.656331.25

Table 1.

 Baseline characteristics of participants in randomised trial and preference study according to treatment with oral or topic NSAIDs for knee pain. Figures are means (SDs) unless stated otherwise

Randomised trial Preference study
Oral Topical Oral Topical
No of participants 144 138 79 224
Demographic data
No (%) of men 63 (44) 68 (49) 31 (39) 95 (42)
Mean age at randomisation (median, IQR) 63 (60, 56-69) 63 (60, 56-68) 64 (64, 57-72) 66 (66, 60-72)
No (%) with occupational codes 1-330 * 54 (38) 39 (28) 24 (30) 53 (24)
No (%) who met clinical criteria for osteoarthritis13 140 (98) 134 (97) 79 (100) 217 (97)
Mean BMI (median, IQR) 31 (29, 26-34) 30 (29, 26-32) 30 (29, 27-33) 29 (28, 26-32)
WOMAC (each scale range 0-100†):
 No of participants with data 144 135 76 216
 Pain score 39 (21.5) 39 (19.3) 39 (19.3) 41 (20.1)
 Stiffness 47 (25.7) 50 (24.6) 50 (22.4) 49 (24.9)
 Difficulty 38 (23.1) 37 (18.3) 41 (20.2) 40 (20.4)
 Global 39 (22.0) 38 (17.6) 41 (18.7) 41 (19.4)
EQ-5D utility score:
 No of participants with data 140 138 78 219
 Score 0.65 (0.22) 0.67 (0.19) 0.63 (0.23) 0.66 (0.19)
Chronic pain grade:
 No of participants with data 141 136 78 219
 Pain intensity 52.6 (19.9) 52.0 (18.2) 54.9 (18.3) 51.9 (18.4)
 Disability 38.5 (27.3) 34.5 (23.4) 37.6 (23.3) 35.3 (25.7)
 No (%) with grade III or IV 50 (35) 35 (26) 26 (33) 68 (31)
SF-36 (SD):
 No of participants with data 138 136 74 209
 Physical component score 39.0 (9.7) 39.2 (8.9) 37.7 (7.8) 38.5 (9.4)
 Mental component score 52.0 (10.2) 53.7 (9.6) 51.7 (10.4) 52.0 (10.0)
No (%) with very/extremely troublesome knee pain14 45/144 (31) 45/138 (33) 26/79 (33) 66/224 (29)
No (%) with indigestion in past 3 months:
 No of participants with data 144 138 78 224‡
 None 86 (60) 78 (57) 47 (59) 106 (47)
 A few days or occasionally 50 (35) 54 (39) 28 (35) 106 (47)
 Over occasional-less than 50% of time 8 (6) 6 (4) 3 (4) 11 (5)
No (%) who used NSAIDs in past year:
 No of participants with data 141 138 78 223
 Used neither oral nor topical 34 (24) 20 (14) 8 (10) 64 (29)
 Used oral only 59 (41) 81 (59) 49 (62) 82 (37)
 Used topical only 9 (6) 8 (6) 1 (1) 40 (18)
 Used both topical and oral 39 (27) 28 (20) 21 (27) 37 (17)
No (%) with other pain:
 No of participants with data 143 138 79 221
 At least one more area of at least moderately troublesome pain14 101 (71) 97 (71) 66 (84)§ 160 (73)§
Expectation (%):
 How helpful do you think tablets will be? (very, helpful, not helpful) 30, 63, 7 (n=144) 28, 64, 8 (n=136) 44, 54, 1 (n=79) 11, 59, 30 (n=222)
 How helpful do you think ointment will be? (very, helpful, not helpful) 30, 59, 10 (n=138) 16, 67, 17 (n=135) 7, 48, 45 (n=71) 30, 69, 1 (n=216)
Blood pressure (average of three readings before study entry¶)
No of participants with data 142 138 76 222
Systolic (mm Hg) 134 (15) 131 (15) 135 (15) 132 (15)
Diastolic (mm Hg) 74 (10) 75 (10) 73 (9) 71 (8)
Lung function (best of three readings at study entry assessment) and blood results
No of participants with data 143 135 78 223
PEF (l/min) 380 (126) 388 (125) 365 (105) 345 (114)
FEVl (l) 2.36 (0.69) 2.42 (0.72) 2.40 (0.71) 2.24 (0.65)
Hb (g/l) 141 (11) 141 (11) 139 (10) 139 (13)
Creatinine (µmol/l) 86 (15) 88 (16) 88 (17) 88 (15)
Ferritin (μg/l) 120 (94) 127 (106) 117 (92) 106 (92)
loge (ferritin (μg/l) 4.5 (0.8) 4.5 (0.8) 4.5 (0.8) 4.4 (0.8)

BMI=body mass index; IQR=interquartile range, PEF=peak expiratory flow, FEV1=forced expiratory volume in one second.

*Managers and senior officials, professionals, and associate professional and technical, better of self or partner.30

†0=no symptoms, 100=maximum symptoms.

‡One person included in error with pain > half the days.

§95% CI for difference −1% to −21%.

¶Excluding seven participants with higher than eligible mean BP recorded.