Fig. 4.
Treatment of autoimmune insulitis mediated by myc-specific antibody depletion. B6 splenocytes were transduced with either OT-I/TCRwt or OT-I/TCRmyc and injected i.v. into sublethally irradiated RIP-mOVA mice. Mice that were irradiated but received no cells served as a negative control. (A) Two days after adoptive transfer, pancreases of mice from each group were analyzed by IHC with ovalbumin- (red) and CD8- (green) specific antibodies. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). (B) Two days after cell transfer, 500 μg of a myc-specific antibody was administered i.p. into all mice that had received T cells harboring the TCRwt (n = 5) and half of the mice (n = 5) that had received T cells carrying the TCRmyc. The blood glucose concentration was determined. Depicted are mean values of all animals in one group; error bars indicate SD. If measurement exceeded the upper detection limit of 33.3 mM, values were set as 35 mM to allow the calculation of mean blood glucose levels. (C) Pancreatic sections from diabetic and antibody-treated mice were stained on day 6 with ovalbumin- (red) and CD8- (green) specific antibodies and DAPI (blue). (Insets) Larger parts of the tissue at a lower magnification.