Fig. 2.
Expression of ncRNAs associated with protein-coding genes. (a–c) cis-antisense. (a) No probe control showing cerebellum in sagittal plane. (b) P-rex1 is specifically expressed in the Purkinje cell layer in the cerebellum. (c) In contrast, an ncRNA that is transcribed antisense to the P-rex1 3′ UTR is expressed throughout the granular layer and in a restricted subcellular manner within Purkinje cells. (d–f) Bidirectional pairs. (d) No probe control of cerebral cortex in coronal plane (CX). Satb2 is expressed in the cerebral cortex (e) similar to an ncRNA transcribed opposite the Satb2 gene (f). (g–i) Intronic. (g) No probe control showing labeled hippocampus in sagittal plane. Odz3 is expressed in a gradient in the CA1 hippocampal subfield (h) in contrast to an ncRNA located in a Odz3 intron that is strongly expressed throughout the hippocampus proper (i). Further examples are illustrated in SI Fig. 15.