Table 4.
Impact of sentinel node definition on false-negative results. Reprinted with permission from McMasters et al.66
Criteria for removal of SN | No. of false negatives/no. of basins with positive nodes | False-negative ratea |
A. Only hottest node removed | 40/288b | 13.9% |
B. Hottest node and all obviously blue nodes removedc,d | 19/285e | 6.7% |
C. Hottest node and all blue nodes removed | 6/285 | 2.1% |
D. 1st or 2nd SN identified | 5/288 | 1.7% |
E. All blue nodes and all nodes >10% of hottest node | 1/285 | 0.4% |
The actual false-negative rate can be determined only by long-term follow-up for recurrent nodal metastases in basins with negative SNs
All results are statistically different from category A and reduce the risk of false-negative results (P<.02).
This assumes that the faintly blue or obviously blue nodes would have been identified without the gamma probe, or that blue dye staining could be established prior to removing the node.
Cases in which blue dye was not used have been excluded
Category B is statistically different from categories C, D, and E (P<.01)