Expression patterns of GGM2 and GGM3 as determined by in situ hybridization. In A–E, digoxigenin-labeled antisense probes were used, which detect GGM2 (B and E) or GGM3 (A, C, and D) transcripts, respectively. Using sense probes of GGM3 as control did not result in visible signals (F and G). All sections are longitudinal ones. (A, B, and F) Sections of a node of a male strobilus at an early developmental stage. (C) Section through a sterile female reproductive unit of a male strobilus at a relatively late developmental stage. (D) Section through male reproductive units at a relatively late developmental stage. (E) Section of a node of a male strobilus at a relatively late developmental stage. (G) Section through male reproductive units at a relatively late developmental stage. (Bar = 100 μm.) a, antherophore; f, female reproductive unit (sterile); m, male reproductive unit; n, nucellus; oe, outer envelope.