Fig. 5. In situ hybridization analysis of rodent VR-OAC expression.
(A) In the murine cochlea, VR-OAC mRNA occurs in both inner hair cells (IHC) and outer hair cells (OHC). SM, scala media.
(B) Marginal cells (MC) of the cochlear stria vascularis in the mouse display VR-OAC mRNA.
(C) In the murine trigeminal ganglion (TG), VR-OAC mRNA occurs in a population of large neurons. Specific staining is not detectable in small and very large sensory ganglion cells.
(D) Surrounding the obliquely sectioned shaft of a vibrissa (V) from an albino rat’s snout, Merkel cells (MeC) strongly express VR-OAC (blue reaction product). Nerve fibers (NF) innervating the Merkel cells are black following anti-neurofilament immunolabeling.
(E) In the cortex of the murine kidney, VR-OAC is strongly expressed by epithelial cells of tubules (T). The expression in glomeruli (G) is much weaker.
The scale bars correspond to 50 μm.