Figure 2. Overexpression of Dominant-Negative CK2α in LNv, but Not All Circadian Neurons, Induces Behavioral Splitting.
(A) Percentages of flies in each genotype that show a single ∼24-h period (%R-24, white), a single long ∼36-h period (%R-long, light gray), two split peaks of ∼23 h and ∼35 h, (%S, dark gray), and arrhythmicity (%AR, black). UASTik/+: control, pdfTik: pdfGal4/+; UASTikT1/+, timTik: timGal4/+; UASTikT1/+. Overexpression of UASTik in LNv only causes behavioral splitting in 45% of flies; such splitting is not observed when all circadian neurons are subjected to UASTik expression.
(B) Representative Lomb-Scargle periodograms depicting pdfGal4/+; UASTikT1/+ flies with a single long period (left) or split periods (right).