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. 2007 Oct 26;5:47. doi: 10.1186/1741-7007-5-47

Table 1.

Numbers of human genes, pseudogenes and gene families in each homeobox gene class. The human homeobox gene superclass contains a total of 235 probable functional genes and 65 probable pseudogenes. These are divided between 102 gene families, which are in turn divided between eleven gene classes.

Class Subclass Number of gene families Number of genes Number of pseudogenes
ANTP HOXL 14 52 0
NKL 23 48 19b
PRD PAX 3 7a 0
PAXL 28 43 24c, d
LIM 6 12 0
POU 7 16 8e
HNF 2 3 0
SINE 3 6 0
TALE 6 20 10f
CUT 3 7 3g
PROS 1 2 0
ZF 5 14 1h
CERS 1 5i 0

Totals 102 235a 65b-h

aIncludes PAX2, PAX5 and PAX8 that have a partial homeobox; excludes PAX1 and PAX9 that lack a homeobox.

bIncludes NANOGP11 that lacks a homeobox.

cExcludes intronless and repetitive DUX1 to DUX5 sequences.

dIncludes TPRX1P1 and TPRX1P2 that lack a homeobox.

eIncludes POU5F1P7 and POU5F1P8 that lack a homeobox.

fIncludes IRX4P1, TGIF2P2, TGIF2P3 and TGIF2P4 that lack a homeobox.

gIncludes CUX2P1, CUX2P2 and SATB1P1 that lack a homeobox.

hIncludes ZEB2P1 that lacks a homeobox.

iExcludes CERS1 that lacks a homeobox.