Figure 4.
Retinal morphology of 2-month-old CNG3−/− and CNG3+/+ mice. (a) Cryosection of the retina of a CNG3+/+ mouse incubated with the CNG3 antibody. The antibody specifically labels the outer segments of cone photoreceptors (arrows). (b) A section of a CNG3−/− retina incubated with the CNG3 antibody reveals no labeling. (c and d) Detection of cone photoreceptors with the lectin peanut agglutinin in CNG3+/+ (c) and CNG3−/− (d) mice. Note the reduced number of cones in CNG3−/− mice (arrows). [Bar = 10 μm (a and b) and 20 μm (c and d).] The sections (a–d) were taken from the central region of the inferior-nasal retina. PhR, inner and outer segments of the photoreceptors; ONL, outer nuclear layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; IPL, inner plexiform layer; GCL, ganglion cell layer. (e and f) Electron microscopy photomicrographs. (e) Ultrastructural localization of CNG3 on the membranous disks of a cone outer segment of a CNG3+/+ mouse (arrows). (f) Cone outer segment of a CNG3−/− mouse revealing partial degeneration of disk structure. A rod outer segment next to the cone outer segment is marked by an asterisk. [Bar = 0.2 μm (e and f).]