Direct inhibition of phagocytosis by anti-αvβ5 and anti-CD36 antibodies. HeLa cells were labeled with PKH26-GL, followed by irradiation using a 60 UVB lamp (Derma Control Inc.), calibrated to provide 240 mJ cm−2 in 2 min, sufficient for the induction of apoptosis. After 6–8 h, immature DCs dyed with PKH67-GL and pretreated with 50 μg/ml of various mAbs for 30 min were added to the wells containing apoptotic HeLa cells. 45–60 min later, cells were analyzed by FACS® for double positive cells. Phagocytic uptake is reported as a percentage of untreated cells. Maximal phagocytosis ranged from 44 to 52%. Results from three experiments were averaged and means plotted + SD. Similar results (data not shown) were obtained when apoptotic monocytes were used (A). Immature DCs were incubated with red fluorescent latex beads at 37°C (squares), 4°C (diamonds), or 37°C in the presence of 50 μg/ml anti-αvβ5 (circles), or anti-αv (triangles). The results shown indicate percentage of phagocytosis over background (B).