Figure 4.
TCM but not TEM can mount a recall response after transfer and challenge. CD62L+ and CD62L− cells were purified from the spleen and PLN of hosts transferred with naive β-tg CD8 cells and immunized at least 6 wk earlier (see Materials and methods) and equal numbers of Db-Smcy3–specific TCM (closed symbols) or TEM (open symbols) were transferred into naive CD45.1+ female hosts that were immediately immunized with syngeneic CD45.1+ male bone marrow cells. (A) Evolution of the percentage of CD45.2+ transferred cells among host blood CD8 cells. The percentage observed at day 2 is normalized as 100%, and all subsequent percentages are expressed as a percentage of this standard. (B) Analysis of the percentage of Db-Smcy3+ cells among blood CD8 cells. (C) Expression of the CD45.2 molecule by CD8+ Db-Smcy3+ blood cells at day 15 or >1 mo after challenge, after transfer of naive, TCM, or TEM. (D) CD62L expression profiles and absolute numbers (in parentheses) of CD8+ Db-Smcy3+ cells in organs of a CD45.1+ female host transferred with TCM and challenged at least 6 wk before analysis. All results shown are representative of at least three experiments.