Figure 5.
T cell motility depends on the presence of antigen and MHC class II. TOVA-GFP cells become stationary after intrathecal OVA injection. Live imaging of acute spinal cord slices 4 d after cotransfer of TMBP and TOVA-GFP cells. Left five bars: proportion of stationary TOVA-GFP cells without manipulation (white bar) or 3 h after intrathecal injection of the control antigen BSA (cont. Ag), OVA, OVA plus isotype Ig control (OVA + cont. Ab), or OVA plus anti-MHC class II antibody (OVA + MHC II). Means ± SD of 412 cells from eight videos and five independent experiments. *P < 0.02; **P < 0.002. Right three bars: blocking anti-MHC class II antibody reduces the number of stationary TMBP-GFP cells in the CNS. Proportion of stationary TMBP-GFP cells in spinal cord slices 3 h after intrathecal injection of anti-MHC class II antibodies (MHC II, black bar). No manipulation (intact) or injection of isotype control antibody (cont. Ab) served as controls. Means ± SD of 320 analyzed cells. Video recording of six videos of three independent experiments (P < 0.001). Statistical significances were evaluated using Student's t test.