Figure 3.
U1 snRNA ORNs stimulate cytokine production and TLR8 signaling. PBMCs were stimulated with DOTAP alone (DO) or complexed to ORN at the indicated concentrations (A, E, and H) at 0.25 μM (C, D and F) or 0.5 μM (B and D), and cytokines were measured. Med, medium control. Panels show one representative of up to three independent experiments (each with three donors; mean ± SEM) or one representative of three donors (E and H; mean ± SD). (I) hTLR8-HEK293 cells were incubated with 3 μM ORN complexed to DOTAP, 10 μM R-848, or 10 μM CpG ODN for 16 h. Stimulation indices represent -fold NF-κB activation compared with transfected, nonstimulated cells. (J) hTLR8-HEK293 cells were incubated with 10 μM ORN complexed to DOTAP for 16 h.