Figure 5.
Subcellular localization of CD83 and CD86 mRNA in DC precursor cells. Images belonging to the same experiment are aligned in columns. Mock-treated (CD83: A, D, G, and K) or GC7-treated (CD83: B, E, H, and L; CD86: C, F, I, and M) DC precursors were subjected to CD83 mRNA– or CD86 mRNA–specific in situ hybridization. Nuclei were labeled by DNA staining using DAPI (A, B, and C). mRNAs were visualized with digoxigenin-labeled oligonucleotide probes, followed by primary α-digoxigenin and appropriate secondary Cy3-coupled antibodies (D, E, and F). Comparison of the merged images shows equal distribution of CD83 mRNA between the nucleus and the cytoplasm in mock-treated DCs (G). In contrast, GC7 treatment of DCs results in nuclear accumulation of CD83 mRNA (H). As shown in panel I, GC7 treatment of DCs does not result in nuclear trapping of CD86 mRNA. Corresponding phase contrast images are shown in K, L, and M.