Figure 3.
Representative Vλ1–Jλ1 junctional sequences in genomic DNA from pooled fetal liver (FL) of scid (s/s) embryos (day 13) and from pooled bone marrow (BM) of s/s, wt (+/+), and JHT adult mice. Germline nucleotides (nt) for the 3′ and 5′ ends of the Vλ1 and Jλ1 gene are shown at the top (the germline Vλ1 and Jλ1 coding regions comprise 297 and 38 nt, respectively). Upper- and lowercase letters under the N/P column denote N and P nucleotide additions, respectively. The number of V or J nucleotides deleted from the Vλ1 or Jλ1 coding end is indicated in parentheses; the asterisk denotes an in-frame rearrangement.