Anatomically standardized contour charts showing relative 2-DG uptake across the glomerular layer in animals exposed to odorants found to stimulate ventral modules (A, B, D) and/or sharing the camphoraceous odor quality that is characteristic of the effective bicyclic odorants (B, C). Orientation and color scale are the same as for Figure 1. Charts represent z-score standardized data matrices averaged across different rats exposed to the same odorant condition. Uptake within the paired ventral regions is indicated using open arrowheads. A: Monocyclic odorants in our database that were found to stimulate uptake in the anterior, ventral region at levels comparable to bicyclic odorants. B: Odorants that both stimulate the anterior ventral module and share the camphoraceous odor quality elicited by effective bicyclic odorants, despite having very different chemical structures. C: Odorants that possess a camphoraceous odor quality, but that do not appear to stimulate the ventral response areas. D: An odorant that was identified as stimulating the anterior, ventral region that is neither cyclic nor described as camphoraceous in odor.