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. 2008 Jan;15(Suppl 1):S58–S67. doi: 10.3747/co.2008.177


Randomized controlled trials for primary prophylaxis in cancer-related gynecologic surgery

Trial Patients (n) Regimen Duration of treatment Outcome Incidences
Study Control vte Major bleeding
Study(%) Control (%) p Value Study (%) Control (%) p Value
Heilmann et al., 1989 19 300 lmwh 1500 IU daily ufh 5000 IU 3 times daily 7 Days pe, dvt by impedance plethysmography to day 7 1.3 4.0 >0.05 No significant difference in clinical and laboratory measures, specific incidence of major bleeding not cited
Clarke–Pearson et al., 1990 20 200 ufh 5000 IU every 8 hours pre- and postoperatively No prophylaxis Until discharge pe, dvt by 125I-labelled fibrinogen scan, impedance plethysmography to day 30 6.2 18.4 0.008 No significant difference in clinical and laboratory measures, specific incidence of major bleeding not cited
Fricker et al., 1988 21 80 Dalteparin 2500 IU 2 hours preoperatively and at 12 hours, then 5000 IU daily ufh 5000 IU 2 hours preoperatively, then 3 times daily 10 Days pe, dvt by 125I-labelled fibrinogen scan, venography to 4 weeks 0 2.5 >0.05 5.1 2.5 >0.05
Von Tempelhoff et al., 1997 22 60 lmwh 3000 IU daily ufh 5000 IU 3 times daily 7 Days pe on scintigraphy, by impedance dvt plethysmography, venography, up to day 30 6.7 0 >0.05 Not assessed
Heilmann et al., 1998 23 324 Certoparin 3000 IU daily ufh 5000 IU 3 times daily 7 Days dvt by impedance plethysmography, venography up to day 10 6.3 6.1 1.0 16.8 28.7 0.01

vte = venous thromboembolism; lmwh = low molecular weight heparin; ufh = unfractionated heparin; pe = pulmonary embolism; dvt = deep vein thrombosis.