EM and IK are similar in resistance PASMCs from wild-type and CGD mice (A) Resting EM is similar in wild-type (filled bar) and CGD (empty bar) PASMCs. (B) Normoxic current density is similar in wild-type and CGD PASMCs. (C and D) In PASMCs from CGD mice, 4-AP, a Kv channel inhibitor, reduces IK at negative potentials (−10 mV, C, ∗, P < 0.05). Tetraethylammonium (TEA) inhibits IK only at positive potentials, where KCa channels are active (∗, P < 0.05, D). (E and F) Four minutes of acute hypoxia inhibits IK (n = 4 cells/group, ∗, P < 0.01). (G and H) In separate experiments, 4 min of acute hypoxia inhibits IK even after specifically inhibiting large conductance KCa channels with IBTX. This finding suggests the hypoxia-sensitive current is at least partially Kv current (†, ∗ P < 0.05 IBTX and hypoxia inhibit IK, respectively).