Figure 2.
Voltage dependence of macroscopic inactivation properties of glycine mutants. (A) Voltage dependence of macroscopic inactivation. τh was determined from single exponential fits to the current decay in macropatch experiments. Average values from 4 to 11 experiments are shown for WT (○), G1484A (•) and G1485A (♦). *The voltage for τh values of mutant channels was corrected for differences in the mean midpoints of activation curves relative to WT, to normalize for effects of activation voltage on τh. ΔV1/2 relative to WT in macropatch experiments was −9 mV (G1484A) and +6 mV (G1485A). (B) Steady-state inactivation curves in response to 100-ms pulses. Data are averages of 4-7 two-electrode voltage-clamp experiments (Table I) with WT, (○), G1484A,(•), and G1484V, (▪). Solid lines are least-square fits of the Boltzmann equation to the data.